Deployment Steps

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This guide explains how (my usual) deployment worked and what the different steps are. It is a deployment of a symfony app.

This guide may be out of date, so just use it as a general reference.

Start: Set up env

export SYMFONY_ENV='prod'

This also writes a MAINTENANCE file, that puts the application in maintenance mode. In the front controller the existence of this file is checked and all request are directly aborted (with a nice maintenance status page) if it is present.

1. Git pull

ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add $(pwd)/.ssh/id_ed25519 ; git pull origin master'

2. Update Dependencies

npm ci
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader --classmap-authoritative --no-interaction

3. Clear PHP OpCode caches

cachetool --fcgi="$FCGI_PORT" stat:clear --no-interaction
echo "Stat cache cleared."
cachetool --fcgi="$FCGI_PORT" opcache:reset --no-interaction
echo "Opcache cleared."
cachetool --fcgi="$FCGI_PORT" opcache:status --no-interaction

4. Symfony Cache Clear

composer symfony:dump-env -- prod
php bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup --no-interaction

5. Build Assets

Now you would run your node processes, that build the actual asset files.

6. Warm up Cache

php bin/console cache:warmup --no-interaction

7. Run migrations

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction

8. Fix permissions

chown root:root .deploy* .ssh*
chmod 0700 .deploy* .ssh*

End: Disable maintenance